Everything DiSC Workplace

Everything DiSC Workplace

Everything DiSC Workplace® delivers a comprehensive personal development training solution to engage every employee—regardless of title or position, department or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work. This is a great place to start.

Combining instructor-led training with online pre-work and follow-up tools, this personalized learning experience helps participants understand and appreciate the different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace, and teaches them how to adapt to the style of others.

Everything DiSC Workplace® delivers a comprehensive personal development training solution to engage every employee—regardless of title or position, department or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work. This is a great place to start.

Combining instructor-led  training with online pre-work and follow-up tools, this personalized learning experience helps participants understand and appreciate the different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace, and teaches them how to adapt to the style of others.

Participant Take-Aways

  • Discover your own DiSC® style: recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape your workplace experience.


  • Explore other styles: understand the differences and similarities between the 4 DiSC styles.


  • Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues of various styles and work more effectively to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to your organization.

Participant Take-Aways

  • Discover you own DiSC® style: recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape your workplace experience.


  • Explore other styles: understand the differences and similarities between the 4 DiSC styles.


  • Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues of various styles and work more effectively to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to your organization.

Program Components

The Assessment

The Everything DiSC Workplace online assessment is research-validated and combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant in their personalized profile.

The Profile

A 20-page personalized workplace-specific profile report helps participants explore the priorities that drive them and identifies three key strategies—based on individual DiSC profiles—for increasing their effectiveness in working with other styles.

The Facilitation

A instructor-led training workshop, offered in either virtual or in-person format, consisting of three 90-minute segments that include engaging activities and workplace-focused videos.

The Follow-up Tools

MyEverythingDisc: A mobile-friendly, interactive learning portal that provides on-demand insights about DiSC and strategies for applying DiSC to real work situations.

For the Everything DiSC Workplace brochure click here.

Our other programs

Program Components

The Assessment

The Everything DiSC Workplace online assessment is research-validated and combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant in their personalized profile.

The Profile

A 20-page personalized workplace-specific profile report helps participants explore the priorities that drive them and identifies three key strategies—based on individual DiSC profiles—for increasing their effectiveness in working with other styles.

The Facilitation

A instructor-led training workshop, offered in either virtual or in-person format, consisting of three 90-minute segments that include engaging activities and workplace-focused videos.

The Follow-up Tools

MyEverythingDisc: A mobile-friendly, interactive learning portal that provides on-demand insights about DiSC and strategies for applying DiSC to real work situations.

For the Everything DiSC Workplace brochure click here.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today at info@gdftalent.com so we can talk about your specific needs. Or fill out the form below.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today at info@gdftalent.com so we can talk about your specific needs. Or fill out the form below.